Chinese EDA startup BTD Technology raised nearly RMB100 million in angel round financing
Chinese article by 刘沁宇
English Editor 张未名
03-06 16:06

Editing by Greg Gao

BTD Technology(比昂芯科技), an EDA startup based in Shenzhen, announced that it completed angel round of financing, raising nearly RMB100 million ($15.82 million) last month.

The investors include InnoAngel Fund and Fosun Capital, The well-known Chinese IC investment institution Oriza Holdings also joined the financing. The capital raised will be used to upgrade high-precision and large-capacity simulation platforms from digital circuits to analog and RF circuits. 

BTD was established in 2020 by serial entrepreneurs in the EDA and AI fields and is committed to building a new generation of EDA platforms. The company's core products are high-accuracy chip simulation and signoff tools based on distributed computing, as well as high-performance interconnection and computing IPs.

BTD’s target customers cover the three major semiconductor fields of chip design, manufacturing, packaging, and testing.

The company has successfully launched BTDSim, the first full-featured RF circuit simulation software in China, and BTDesign, the only post-Moore design and digital-analog hybrid verification platform in China. Its product has won the favor of the first-tier companies in the semiconductor industry.

Chen Datong, chairman of Oriza Holdings, said that EDA tools are indispensable parts of the semiconductor industry, China’s domestic EDA software demand is increasing rapidly. With an experienced team able to launch new products, BTD is expected to become a leading EDA provider in China.

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