Huawei and Xiaomi reach global 5G patent cross-licensing agreement
Chinese article by 刘沁宇
English Editor 张未名
09-15 09:42

By Li Panpan

(JW Insights) Sep 15 -- Chinese tech heavyweights Huawei and Xiaomi announced a global patent cross-licensing agreement on September 13, which covers communication technologies, including 5G.

It is reported that as of the end of 2022, Huawei holds more than 120,000 valid authorized patents, mainly distributed in China, Europe, America, Asia Pacific, the Middle East, and Africa. Among them, Huawei holds more than 40,000 patents in both China and Europe and more than 22,000 patents in the United States.

As of March 31 this year, Xiaomi's global authorized patents have exceeded 32,000. According to the ranking of global companies with standard essential patents for 5G technology published by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, Xiaomi's patent family accounts for 4.1%, entering the top ten in the world for the first time.

China owns nearly 40 percent of the standard essential patents for 5G technology, staying at the top of the world rankings, according to a new report by the National Intellectual Property Administration, reported Xinhua in June 2022.

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