China Daily: Hainan Undersea Data Center runs smoothly since the first module launched in March China’s underwater data center in good condition 7162 06-06 17:16 US chip giant Intel starts operating a cross-border software and hardware services unit in Sanya in southern China's Hainan Province US chip giant Intel kicked off operation of a subsidiary - Intel Integrated Circuit (Hainan) - in China's tropical tax-free tourist destination Sanya, southern China's Hainan Province. 1.9w 04-10 16:14 The Internet of Vehicles project in China’s Hainan Province with full 5G coverage, starts a trial operation, covering some 17 kilometers distance Qionghai City in China’s southernmost Hainan Province has put into trial operation an IoV (Internet of Vehicles) project with full 5G coverage 3.2w 04-14 22:01 READ MOST No Data Yet~ POPULAR TAGS No Data Yet~