Yicai Global: Chinese ICT provider H3C debuts large-scale model solution for governments and firms H3C Technologies (新华三), one of China's leading digital solution providers, has launched its LinSeer large-scale model 1w 06-13 15:38 Chinese technology conglomerate Tsinghua Unigroup takes full control of China's leading IT company H3C after acquiring a 49% equity from HPE Unigroup acquires a 49 percent stake in H3C from HPE and takes full control of H3C 3w 01-05 17:47 Chinese server provider H3C Group wins China Telecom’s procurement bid for its major transformation goal Chinese server provider H3C Group (新华三集团) won recently a major bid of server procurement of China Telecom, the country’s 3rd largest carrier, JW Insights learned. 2.6w 03-09 15:26 READ MOST No Data Yet~ POPULAR TAGS No Data Yet~