China’s leading EDA company Empyrean Technology plans to acquire 100% equity in XinDA Design at $10 million China’s leading EDA company Empyrean Technology(华大九天) will acquire XinDA Design Automation Limited (芯達科技) for $10 million in cash through its wholly-owned subsidiary in Shenzhen. 1.9w 10-18 17:28 Chinese leading automotive sensor chip producer Senasic acquires more than half of Gainsil to push more power management chips for automotive applications China’s leading automotive sensor chip supplier Senasic (琻捷电子) bought Gainsil (聚洵半导体)for 76.90% of its equity, to work on intelligent automotive-level sensor and power chips. 1.9w 06-08 17:47 READ MOST No Data Yet~ POPULAR TAGS No Data Yet~