The U.S. global semiconductor supplier onsemi is set to resume operation of its global distribution center in Shanghai after suspension because of the citywide pandemic lockdown onsemi applied to the Shanghai Municipal Commission for Economy and Information to resume work at its global distribution center in Shanghai(CGDC). The application has been approved. 1.6w 04-26 18:20 The U.S. global semiconductor manufacturer Onsemi shut down its China Global Distribution Center in Shanghai because of pandemic control World-leading semiconductor manufacturer Onsemi announced shutting down its China Global Distribution Center in Shanghai on April 18th because of the local pandemic control in a letter to its clients. 2.1w 04-20 14:10 Shenzhen is to set up an Asia-Pacific electronics component distribution center in its Qianhai Free Trade Zone 2.1w 02-18 16:42 READ MOST No Data Yet~ POPULAR TAGS No Data Yet~