By Li Panpan
(JW Insights) Apr 24 -- Four Chinese companies, including Huawei, Cambricon(寒武纪), SemiDrive (芯驰科技), and Rockchip (瑞芯微), are listed in the top 20 global companies with automotive-grade SoC chip patents, according to the latest JW Insights report.
The development history of automotive-grade SoC chip technology can be divided into three stages: early start (before 2010), wide application (2011-2019), and explosive development (2020-present), said the report entitled “Analysis on Patents of automotive-grade SoC chips.”
As of February 17, 2023, China has about 6,000 public patents related to automotive-grade SoC chips, second only to the United States (about 10,000) among all countries in the world.
Among the top 20 companies are 12 US companies, four Chinese, two South Korean, one German, and one Dutch.
JW Insights is the leading Chinese consulting service for the country's semiconductor and ICT industries. The detailed report is available on JW Insights' official website and app in Chinese (ijiwei.com).

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