By Li Panpan
(JW Insights) Nov 7 -- The 205 A-share-listed Chinese semiconductor companies achieved a total operating income of RMB558.963 billion ($76.90 billion), with an average of RMB2.727 billion ($375.15 million) per company, said a recent JW Insights report based on those companies' performance reports released as of October 31.
More than 50% of them suffered from revenue decline, and 139, accounting for 67.8%, saw a year-on-year decrease in net profit attributable to their parent companies.
In terms of revenue, there are six companies with revenue of more than RMB20 billion ($2.75 billion). Wingtech ranked first in all companies with RMB44.412 billion ($6.11 billion), followed by USI, Truchum, Taiji Industry, CECport, and JCET.
There are seven companies with revenue in the range of RMB10 billion ($1.38 billion) to RMB20 billion ($2.75 billion), namely Ninestar, Tongfu Microelectronics, Will Semiconductor, Naura Technology, JSJ, Kaifa Technology, and Sanan Optoelectronics.
There are 102 companies with revenue growth, accounting for 49.76%, while other 103 companies registered a decline in revenue growth rate. Only three companies had revenue growth exceeding 100%, accounting for 1.46%.
SICC's revenue growth rate reached 206.06%, followed by Wanye Enterprise and Skyverse Technology, whose revenue growth rates were 204.55% and 127.99%, respectively.
Ten companies had revenue growth between 50% and 100%, namely Macmic, CGEE, JSJ, Piotech, Zhenhua Fengguang, SMEI, Hwatsing, Centec, Raytron, and Smarter Micro.
In terms of profits, among the 205 companies, 156 of them achieved net profits attributable to their parent companies totaled RMB41.715 billion ($5.74 billion) in the first three quarters of 2023, while 49 companies suffered net profit losses, with a total loss of RMB9.667 billion ($1.33 billion).
Nine companies had net profit attributable to parent companies of more than RMB1 billion ($137.57 million), accounting for 4.39%, namely JSJ, Naura Technology, Wingtech Technology, Zhenhua Technology, Guoxin Micro, USI, AMEC, CCTC, and CR Micro.
Another nine had net profit attributable to parent companies between RMB500 million ($68.78 million) to RMB1 billion ($137.57 million). Sixty-six companies had net profits between RMB100 million ($13.76 million) and RMB500 million ($68.78 million), accounting for 32.2%. Forty-nine suffered from net profit loss, accounting for 23.9%.
In terms of growth in net profit attributable to parent companies, 66 companies saw year-on-year growth, accounting for 32.2%. Centec's net profit attributable to its parent company increased by 5429.3% year-on-year, ranking first.
There were 139 companies with a decline in net profit attributable to their parents in the first three quarters, and forty shared a drop of more than 100%.