JW Insights: Giantec Semiconductor leads among Chinese suppliers in offering more EEPROM chips to meet growing needs in China for automotive-grade memory chips Chinese semiconductor makers are working on EEPROM chips to cope with the growing needs for automotive-grade memory chips driven by the fast growth of smart cars in China, led by Giantec Semiconductor(聚辰股份) and Fremont Micro(辉芒微电子). 3.5w 09-19 09:49 JW Insights: Chinese EEPROM memory chip companies go after the automobile electronics market with the potential to become global suppliers thanks to the enormous home market scale More Chinese chip companies are embracing opportunities in the EEPROM’s automobile market since the second half of last year, following its wide applications in consumer and industrial-grade products, reported JW Insights. 2.5w 06-20 17:57 READ MOST No Data Yet~ POPULAR TAGS No Data Yet~