Alumni of leading Chinese university USTC call for down-to-earth efforts in seeking technology breakthroughs Alumni from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) gathered at the 7th JWSS (JiWei Semiconductor Summit) on June 3 and engaged in heated presentations and discussion. 1.5w 06-16 14:31 Northern China's Nankai University alumni gather at JWSS to explore semiconductor industry development and discuss technology transfer of research achievements Nankai University alumni gather at JWSS 3.9w 06-15 16:25 Alumni of Harbin Institute of Technology discuss destocking and celebrate the school's 103rd anniversary at JWSS Alumni of Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) in northeastern China's Harbin City had heated discussions around topics including destocking 9904 06-14 18:13 Chinese leading semiconductor investors encourage progressive and cautious attitude in greeting a new M&A period A panel discussion during the 7th JWSS pointed to a growing trend of more M&A activities in China's chip industry against a backdrop of intensified geopolitical tension and the market downturn. 6.3w 06-14 15:17 Peking University alumni discuss semiconductor investment and innovation at 7th JWSS Alumni from China’s prestigious Peking University gathered at the 7th JWSS to discuss semiconductor research and investment 1.6w 06-13 15:42 China Semiconductor Investment Alliance Member Conference elects new director general and calls for more collaboration among universities and enterprises China Semiconductor Investment Alliance held its sixth annual member meeting on June 3 and delegates expressed both their concern and determination in navigating industry challenges. 1.7w 06-13 14:43 Wuhan University alumni gather at JWSS to share chip technologies and explore ways for growth Wuhan University alumni in the semiconductor industry gathered at JWSS to showcase Chinese firms’ IC solutions 1.5w 06-09 18:06 JW Insights' Mobile China Alliance changes its name to ICT IP Development Alliance Mobile China Alliance (MCA) announced to change its name to ICT Intellectual Property Development Alliance (ICT IPDA) on June 3, during the 7th JiWei Semiconductor Summit (JWSS) held in Xiamen, southeastern China’s Fujian Province. 1.1w 06-08 15:17 JW Insights: Chinese semiconductor equipment and component suppliers will benefit from more domestic substitution trend Chinese semiconductor equipment and component suppliers will benefit from the trend of domestic substitution, said Chen Yuenan, director of JW Insights Consulting Division. 1.4w 06-07 16:20 JiWei Investment and Financing Forum explores strategies to navigate the declining semiconductor investment in China Leading Chinese semiconductor investors gathered at the JiWei Investment and Financing Forum on June 3 to share insights and analysis on the investment landscape. 2w 06-06 17:55 MORE READ MOST No Data Yet~ POPULAR TAGS No Data Yet~