There are about 7 related results
There are about 7 related results
About 23% of more than 45 semiconductor projects with new progress in China in July are in the field of automotive electronics, ranking first in all the semiconductor fields.
Chinese ODM company Goertek ranked in the top 5 companies in media coverage and searches by netizens and mobile users among Chinese listed consumer electronics companies during their release of 2022 financial reports.
The 2023 Automotive Semiconductor Ecosystem Summit and Global Automotive Electronics Expo will be held on September 26-27 in Shenzhen, southern China’s Guangdong Province, announced JW Insights - the organizer.
Desay SV’s high-performance computing platform achieves mass production
Universal Scientific Industrial (USI 环旭电子), a Chinese electronics company, is acquiring the automotive electronics business of Switzerland’s TE Connectivity
On this topic, we share with you several key considerations from the evaluation of how a long-established memory card OEM transformed into the automotive electronics market
The 2022 Zhangjiang Automotive Semiconductor Ecosystem Summit and Global Automotive Electronics Exchange Forum was held in Pudong District of Shanghai from November 7 to 8, attracting wide industry attention.
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